Open spaces

Roof terrace

Roof terraces attract envious glances in cities, and anyone who has one can consider themselves truly lucky. After all, a roof terrace offers a wealth of benefits. From breathtaking views and additional outdoor space to a unique urban retreat.
GDM.GARDEN light 60/40/5 cm and 40/40/5 cm, ferro, gray

Characterful outdoor living space

Choosing the ideal floor covering is one of the key decisions when planning roof terraces. It sets the course for the style and atmosphere of the new outdoor area. When designing with concrete paving stones, there are virtually no limits to the possibilities.

Roof terrace with pool
GDM.MASSIMO ruvido, gray © roos buske GÄRTEN

Your own roof terrace oasis

We spend most of our lives indoors. When the weather is nice, we want to enjoy the fresh air outdoors. But what if you live in a big city? In this case, a roof terrace can give you that coveted outdoor space where you can relax or host guests when the weather is nice.

New designs such as flat roofs open up "new spaces" for use. A wide variety of formats, including large slabs, are available for a wide range of applications, whether for private or public roof terraces. Thin slabs (D ≥ 3.0 cm) offer low surface loads in terms of the load-bearing capacity of the structure. In some areas, thicker slabs of the same format can also be selected if this is necessary due to wind suction. The thickness requirement may vary depending on the height of the structure.

Further products for roof terraces

handmade plate


Terrace slab


Porcelain stoneware tile




Flächengestaltung rund um das Gebäude

Betonstein ist funktionale Vielfalt und Kreativität: Dem urbanen Leben eine Bühne zu geben und diese zu gestalten, ist eine verantwortungsvolle und zugleich komplexe wie spannende Aufgabe. Wir stellen uns diesen Anforderungen und unterstützen unsere Planer, Fachbetriebe und Bauherren mit Erfahrung und Leidenschaft.