nativo; unworked Grey
nativo – R-Value 13 | USRV-Value 60
Natural surface with High-quality wear-resistant facing layer
Rundbord r = 5 cm
Curve stone r = 0.5 m convex on the outside
Curve stone r = 0.5 m inside concave
Curve stone r = 1.0 m inside concave
Curve stone r = 1.0 m outside convex
Curve stone r = 2.0 m inside concave
Curve stone r = 2.0 m outside convex
Curve stone r = 3.0 m outside convex
Curve stone r = 4.0 m inside concave
Curve stone r = 5.0 m inside concave
Curve stone r = 5.0 m outside convex
Curve stone r = 6.0 m inside concave
Curve stone r = 6.0 m outside convex
Curve stone r = 8.0 m inside concave
Curve stone r = 8.0 m outside convex
Curve stone r = 10.0 m inside concave
Curve stone r = 10.0 m outside convex
Center stone
Rundbord angled shelf 90° outside
Transition stone left
Transition stone right