GDM.AWA tile

by Sebastian Herkner

GDM.AWA tile transfers the look of classic herringbone parquet into fine, high-density concrete design tiles that are suitable for indoor and outdoor floor and wall surfaces.

The fine concrete tiles in four coordinated colors offer different surfaces for an appearance ranging from discreet to striking. They are also suitable for use on floor and wall surfaces both indoors and outdoors.

For the contract sector, individual colors can also be realized according to the planner's wishes.

raw materials

As a product made from natural raw materials and aggregates, GDM.AWA tile may show slight variations in material thickness and final color after curing - and thus tells of the value of a handmade unique product.

The ultra-fine, refined exposed concrete tiles with a velvety surface are natural products that are manufactured by hand in GODELMANN's architectural concrete factory. Each individual design tile is cast by hand and hardens over 24 hours without any additional energy input. The terrazzo is then sanded and sealed.

Worlds of color

GDM.AWA tile is available in four natural color combinations: sand beige, concrete grey, warm grey and basalt grey. Each color family comprises four subtle shades and two modern terrazzo variants that can be combined with each other as desired.

Surface GDM.AWA tile visia Basalt gray
Basalt gray
Surface GDM.AWA tile visia Silk-grey
Silk gray
Surface GDM.AWA tile visia Sand-grey
Surface GDM.AWA tile visia Sand-Beige

GDM.AWA tile is innovative, sustainable and simply beautiful. For seamless transitions from inside to outside and from floor to wall.

Silvia Godelmann


The six differently sized diamond formats can be playfully combined with each other or laid as a single format.

High-quality concrete surfaces can be seamlessly continued, for example from the kitchen or living room onto the terrace or into the garden.

GDM.AWA tile Formatübersicht


  • For indoor and outdoor wall and floor design
  • Weather-resistant, color-fast and durable
  • Moisture-resistant, easy-care and water-repellent
  • Shading degree V3


  • CO2 neutral production
  • handmade from ultra-fine GODELMANN architectural concrete
  • produced without additional energy requirements and 100% recyclable
  • consistent materiality made from the highest quality quartz and natural stone sands in combination with UV-resistant iron oxide paints
  • Dimensional tolerance ± 2 mm and water absorption < 1 %
  • Fair-faced concrete class > SB4
  • Concrete quality > C55/67

Sebastian Herkner

Sebastian Herkner is known as a virtuoso in the use of material, color and surface textures. His aim is to showcase the multifaceted beauty of materials and bring new attention to subtle details. He founded his design studio in Offenbach am Main in 2006. His work has already received numerous awards. Most recently, Sebastian Herkner received the EDIDA AWARD Designer of the Year 2021.

Produktentwicklung bei GODELMANN im Labor, verschiedene Körnungen und Muster liegen zur Entscheidung bereit.


2020 - 2022

GDM.AWA tiles are genuine quality products that took two years to develop. In addition to the dimensions of the formats, the focus was also on fine-tuning the colors.

GDM.AWA tile
Design tile

GDM.AWA tile

GDM.AWA tile

Die hochfeinen, veredelten Sichtbeton-Fliesen mit samtiger Oberfläche sind Naturprodukte, die in der Designmanufaktur in Handarbeit gefertigt werden. Der Entwurf des bekannten und vielfach ausgezeichneten Produktdesigners Sebastian Herkner überträgt die Anmutung eines klassischen Fischgrät-Parketts in feine, hoch verdichtete Designfliesen aus Beton.