A path paved with evaporative concrete blocks leads straight through a leafy park in the middle of a large city. The paving stones are shaded beige and have a bead-blasted surface. To the left along the path is a brick wall, in front of which there are several benches and trees. To the right are more small trees, shrubs and grasses, behind which a brick house is hidden. High-rise buildings can be seen in the background.  Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Climate protection through innovation
Climate protection is more important for our future than anything else - and we are preparing the ground for it. GDM.KLIMASTEIN gives paved surfaces climate-friendly properties that previously seemed unthinkable.
innovation medal green awards federal ecodesign prize

New perspectives for green-blue urban design

With the GDM.KLIMASTEIN, GODELMANN has created a world first that can make a significant contribution to improving the urban climate: The first paving block with a three-layer structure protects the groundwater through proven pollutant retention and achieves an evaporation rate comparable to that of a meadow.

Go to product GDM.KLIMASTEIN aBG

Built-up and paved areas must make their contribution to a positive urban climate. The GDM.KLIMASTEIN provides new answers to the most pressing questions and is an elementary building block for the concept of the sponge city. It can be used to recover the soil as a natural resource.

Bernhard GodelmannInhaber und Geschäftsführer

Storing, filtering, cooling

We live in the age of cities. Drought and heat stress affect the urban climate. Heavy rainfall events are on the increase. Time for a solution to rethink paving. Time for paving stones that achieve a significantly higher evaporation rate, are almost as high as a meadow and can do even more for the city of the future.


  1. Protect the environment from noise, heating and pollutants.
  2. Infiltrate and store moisture on site to cool the environment through evaporation.
  3. Stop pollutants from entering the groundwater.
  1. Catalyst layer: The visible surface reflects heat radiation, reduces noise emissions and neutralizes air pollutants. Moisture passes through the joints into the storage layer and into the ground.
  2. Storage layer: The core area can absorb and release large amounts of moisture. In this way, paved surfaces achieve a similarly high evaporation rate as a meadow.
  3. Capillary layer: The bottom layer is less permeable, more moisture is stored and also absorbed by the soil. This leads to increased evaporation.

Thanks to its intelligent proActive properties, the GDM.climate stone is able to do more for the urban climate than any surface system before it.

Decentralized surface infiltration keeps the natural water balance on site largely intact and relieves the burden on the sewer network.

Evaporation activity improves the urban climate: higher humidity and more cooling.

The joint material filters pollutants out of rainwater from traffic areas: Groundwater protection.

Thanks to a modified concrete formulation, the surface contributes to the reduction of air pollutants

The surface reflects the heat of solar radiation and protects against overheating.

Certain formats, the joint width and surface structure, as well as the laying pattern guarantee a particularly quiet paving surface.

Conserves raw material resources through recycling and upcycling.

The sponge city principle

The Sponge City urban planning concept aims to absorb and store as much rainwater as possible instead of draining it away. The aim is to protect the city from flooding, heatwaves and drought and to improve the urban climate.

With the GDM.KLIMASTEIN, areas can be paved for traffic without sealing the ground. With this completely new surface covering system, GODELMANN offers a pioneering solution for making built and paved surfaces climate-resilient

ökologisches Flächensystem


GDM.KLIMASTEIN - Water-sensitive urban planning

Our contribution to the sponge city principle: climate protection is more important for our future than anything else - we are preparing the ground for it. With the climate block as a paving stone, sealed surfaces are given climate-friendly properties that previously seemed unthinkable.