

Surface infiltration with groundwater protection
Our systems have been specially developed for the treatment and infiltration of rainwater runoff. A DIBt-tested additional function with general type approval (aBG).

Clean water

Our contribution to clean groundwater in cities. Ecological products with a water-permeable and purifying effect. Rainwater can seep into the ground via the joint or directly through the stone and partially evaporate again. The products in the proWater range have a general construction type approval (aBG) and are tested and suitable as a system construction type for groundwater protection. Plan and build with an average runoff coefficient ψm = 0.0 and with maximum safety.

The situation

In view of completely overloaded watercourses and canals and the resulting flooding, the maxim today is: rainwater should no longer be collected and drained away in canal networks, but should seep away and evaporate where it falls. In this context, water-permeable and water-storing concrete paving has proved so successful that it is being promoted in many places.

Ecological paving - sustainable rainwater management

Decentralized rainwater management and especially surface infiltration have long been considered state of the art due to the legal situation and municipal decision-making. In all areas, water-permeable construction with concrete surface systems has proven to be an ecologically sensible rainwater treatment with filtering, evaporation and infiltration of surface water and precipitation. Ecological surface systems minimize runoff peaks by unsealing surfaces, increase the quality of protected goods such as groundwater and surface water and offer the best conditions for saving or waiving fees for rainwater in accordance with many municipal statutes. Legislators in many countries have made decentralized rainwater management a principle.

proWater - The new generation of ecological surface coverings

New laws now apply to decentralized rainwater treatment: To protect our waters, rainwater from traffic areas must be treated - pollutants must not be allowed to enter the groundwater!

Rainwater-treating surface coverings with general type approval from the German Institute for Building Technology can also be used where conventional ecological paving systems are not permitted.

General type approval (aBG)

The general type approval is reliable proof of the usability of non-regulated construction products or types of construction. The German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt) in Berlin is responsible for issuing them.

A type approval primarily indicates tested products and systems. In relation to the rainwater-treating surface coverings of the proWater product line, this also means safety in planning, tendering and professional installation, as the construction method and all components are precisely defined and described. It also contains information on operation and maintenance as well as the manufacturer's own and external monitoring. In addition, the DIBt seal ensures simplified approval procedures. All in all, the type approval offers clear advantages for all planners and local authorities (civil engineers, architects, landscape architects, water authorities, etc.) as well as for paving professionals and building owners.

General type approvals


Surface systems with proWater properties

ecological area system

GDM.DRAIN aBG Nr. Z-84.1-9

GDM.KLIMASTEIN - Water-sensitive urban planning

Our contribution to the sponge city principle: climate protection is more important for our future than anything else - we are preparing the ground for it. With the climate block as a paving stone, sealed surfaces are given climate-friendly properties that previously seemed unthinkable.
ökologisches Flächensystem


ecological area system

GDM.GEO aBG Nr. Z-84.1-27

proWater – Flächenversickerungssysteme Grundlagen und Bauweisen